Eric Morris Wins 2006 American Planning Association Award

Second year transportation student Eric Morris is the winner of the American Planning Association Transportation Division’s 2006 outstanding student paper competition for his paper titled, “The Privatization of British Rail: How Did It Turn Into a Train Wreck?”

The competition recognizes outstanding student papers on current transportation planning or policy issues. Entries were judged on the basis of relevance, insight and quality. The award (which includes a cash prize) will be announced at the APA National Conference in San Antonio this month.

Morris, currently a master’s student, will enter the UCLA doctoral program in Urban Planning in Fall 2007.

The American Planning Association is a nonprofit public interest and research organization representing 37,000 practicing planners, officials, and citizens involved with urban and rural planning issues. APA’s objective is to encourage planning that will meet the needs of people and society more effectively. APA resulted from a consolidation of the American Institute of Planners, founded in 1917, and the American Society of Planning Officials, established in 1934. The organization has 46 regional chapters and 19 divisions devoted to specialized planning interests. APA

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