From Classroom to Real World

UCLA Luskin student projects provide high-level policy analysis for pressing transportation challenges 

As part of fulfilling their degree requirements, UCLA urban planning master’s students complete a client capstone project. This research — which prepares students to solve real-world urban planning problems — involves students working directly with clients to investigate policy questions and challenges crafted specifically to their needs.

This year’s UCLA ITS-supported projects ranged from proposing alternative solutions to policing on transit with ACT-LA; suggestions for Los Angeles Walks to help make LA streets more pedestrian-friendly; assessing the success of HopSkipDrive’s program to drive vulnerable student populations to school; and analyzing which corridors are best-suited for LA Metro’s next bus lanes, among others. Students worked with the clients throughout the school year and created final reports with data and policy analyses that the clients could share — both with their internal teams and external community partners and stakeholders — to improve their organizations.

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