Portfolio Items

Pacoima History and Highways StoryMap
A storymap on the stark contrasts in public participation that led to the construction of the Simi Freeway/State Route 118 through America's "first Black suburb" in Pacoima.
Center of Excellence on New Mobility and Automated Vehicles
The Mobility Center of Excellence directed by Jiaqi Ma will assess the anticipated long-term impacts of increased new mobility technologies and services on land use, real estate and urban design.
Bulldozing Asian Communities StoryMap
A storymap on how construction of Stockton's Crosstown Freeway (State Route 4) uprooted the city's vibrant Asian enclaves of Chinatown, Japantown and Little Manila.
Transit & Traffic: A Primer
Video showcases what it'll take to improve public transit operations and enhance passenger experience.
The Drive for Dollars
Book co-authored by Brian Taylor tells the largely misunderstood story of how freeways became the centerpiece of U.S. urban transportation systems.

Is there a fair way to do congestion pricing?
Charging people to use busy roads raises questions about fairness, especially for low-income drivers.

Freeways, Redlining & Racism StoryMap
A storymap on the history of the Foothill Freeway/Interstate 210 that cut through the northwest neighborhoods of Pasadena, resulting in the displacement of nearly 3,000 predominantly Black residents.
Spreading the Gospel of Induced Demand
MURP student learns why it’s imperative that we teach and understand the concept of induced demand.
Should Public Transit Be Free?
Brian Taylor weighs in on whether public transit should be free in this episode of the Freakonomics podcast.
UCLA Mobility Lab
A research lab dedicated to harnessing system theories and tools, such as AI, robotics, and machine learning, to innovate and develop advanced mobility technologies and solutions for smart cities, particularly intelligent vehicular and transportation systems

Why Free Parking is Bad, According to One Professor
With the pandemic opening up streets, Donald Shoup and his followers say it’s time to stop subsidizing drivers at the expense of everyone else.

Wachs Receives APA Planning Pioneer Award
A preeminent figure in transportation planning with an illustrious academic career spanning seven decades

Transportation for the Anthropocene
Visiting scholar Mikhail Chester writes how the Anthropocene, or "Time of Man," is rapidly transforming the planet and how today's transportation systems must emphasize agility and flexibility.

Decarbonizing California Transportation by 2045
A team of UC ITS transportation and policy experts released a report to CalEPA outlining policy options to significantly reduce transportation-related fossil fuel demand and emissions.

Peatónito the Pedestrian Superhero Is Finishing Up Grad School at UCLA
Curbed's Alyssa Walker profiled superhero-turned-Luskin grad student, Peatónito.Â
Street Widths Project
New research by Adam Millard-Ball of UCLA Urban Planning considers the schools, parks and other infrastructure that go unbuilt because Americans prefer wide streets.
What is Access to Opportunities?
This minute-long video explains why access to opportunities is a complex topic in need of interwoven solutions

Mobility for Vulnerable Populations During COVID-19
The COVID-19 crisis disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable in our society, including their mobility. Knowing how the pandemic touches on and shapes the mobility of these vulnerable populations can inform government and community response.

The Rule Increasing City Speed Limits
Speed limits are set by drivers "voting with their feet." That's a problem for everyone else on the street.

Roads, Prices and Shortages: A Gasoline Parable
This essay by Michael Manville makes the case that when goods are underpriced, shortages result, and congestion is essentially a shortage of road space.

A New Approach to Reducing Traffic
Gridlock steals valuable time and creates stress for all of us. As part of its plan to make it easier to get around, Metro is considering a new approach to addressing traffic congestion.
Transit Blues in the Golden State
Public transit ridership in California was falling in the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic -- for a variety of reasons.

Increasing Transit Safety without Policing
UCLA researchers surveyed 1,200 students from UCLA, Cal State LA and CSUN about their experiences with sexual harassment during their transit journeys. The subsequent report identified about 10 recommendations to make transit safer — aside from policing.

Sharing Mobility Data for Planning and Policy Research
A UC ITS brief to inform regulatory and legislative decision-making around shared mobility providers.

Longer View: The Fairness of Congestion Pricing
In an article for Transfers Magazine, Michael Manville discusses how the choice between congestion pricing fairness and efficiency is a false one.

Transit-Oriented Displacement or Community Dividends?
Book co-authored by Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris examines neighborhood transformation, gentrification, and displacement that accompany more compact development around transit.

Ride-hail Revolution: Ride-hail Travel and Access in Los Angeles
Ride-hail services such as Uber and Lyft have revolutionized how people access cars. But research into where they travel and who they serve has been limited. For her doctoral dissertation, Anne Brown analyzed trip-level data to measure access across race, ethnicity and gender.

Not Boarding: The Case of the Disappearing Transit Rider
Public transit ridership is on the decline in California. But why? Researchers at the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies looked at the data to figure out what's going on and how the problem could be solved.
ACCESS Magazine Articles
ACCESS Magazine was a publication of the UCTC and the UC Center on Economic Competitiveness that ran from 1992 to 2017.
Thinking Outside the Bus
An infographic that explores the best ways tranit systems can improve rider experience
Road Pricing
An infographic exploring how we fund transporation projects
When Cities Have Too Much Parking
An infographic describing whether LA has a parking shortage. How much parking is too little ... or too much?
The Modal Impacts of Bikeshare
An infographic showing whether bikeshare users are more likely to use other forms of public transit as well
Adam Ruins Cars
In this episode, Adam revealed the surprising truths behind car dealerships, unearthed the dirty little secrets of car ownership, explained how auto manufacturers turned "jaywalking" into a crime and much more, featuring Donald Shoup.