Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gases in California and the fastest-growing source of emissions worldwide. Yet climate policies to date have often had disappointing results, and the sector has proven stubbornly resistant to decarbonization. ITS scholars work on all frontiers of climate and environment research, from supporting the transition to zero-emission vehicles to analyzing the effectiveness of policies to reduce vehicle travel.

Adam Millard-Ball
Associate Professor of Urban Planning

Decarbonizing California Transportation by 2045
A team of UC ITS transportation and policy experts released a report to CalEPA outlining policy options to significantly reduce transportation-related fossil fuel demand and emissions.
In the News
ITS Publications
Journal Articles
Global trends toward urban street-network sprawl
Christopher Barrington-Leigh, Adam Millard-Ball
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
Bending the Curve. Climate Change Solutions
Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Adam Millard-Ball, Michelle Niemann (eds)
The Regents of the University of California, 2019
Faculty Projects
Student Projects
Client: California Air Resources Board
Client: WSP Global
Client: Coco Delivery
Colleen Callahan
Peter Chu
Charles Corbett
Lara Cushing
Rajit Gadh
Michael Jerrett
Jason Karpman
Bo Liu
Travis Longcore
Juan Matute
Adam Millard-Ball
Paul Ong
Aydogan Ozcan
Regan Patterson
Suzanne Paulson
Gregory Pierce
Deepak Rajagopal
Cristina Tirado
Ondine von Ehrenstein
Arthur Winer
Ning Zhang
Yifang Zhu
Study transportation at the #1 public university
Transportation-related degrees at UCLA