California is counting on public transit to help meet its ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion. Yet despite large public investments in bus and rail service, the state’s transit ridership is on the decline. ITS scholars are at the forefront of research into mass transit, from its funding and planning to passenger trends to the rider’s safety and experience, informing policymaking aimed at getting more people on board.


Jacob L. Wasserman
Research Program Manager


In the News

StreetsBlog (LA & National)

To Recruit Transit Workers, More Than Higher Pay Is Needed

February 29, 2024

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Los Angeles Times

Opinion: How can L.A. Metro make train service safer? Look to what’s working on buses

April 27, 2023

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KALW 91.7 SF/Crosscurrents

Whither BART? A sobering look at the future of Bay Area public transportation

April 26, 2023

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Why California public transit is at a pivotal moment

April 5, 2023

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Journal Articles

A Taste for Transit? Analyzing Public Transit Use Trends Among Youth

Anne E. Brown, Evelyn Blumenberg, Brian D. Taylor, Kelcie Ralph, Carole Turley Voulgaris

Journal of Public Transportation, 2016

Does Transit Mean Business? Reconciling Economic, Organizational, and Political Perspectives on Variable Transit Fares

Allison C. Yoh, Brian D. Taylor, John Gahbauer

Public Works Management & Policy, 2015

Why Do Voters Support Public Transportation? Public Choices and Private Behavior

Michael Manville, Benjamin Cummins

Transportation, 2014

Public Transportation Objectives and Rider Demographics: Are Transit’s Priorities Poor Public Policy?

Brian D. Taylor, Eric A. Morris

Transportation, 2014

Faculty Projects

Student Projects

Enhancing Mobility and Access for Carless & Car-Deficit Households in Los Angeles
Alyssa Suzukawa

Client: Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)

Lost Hours, Lost Opportunities: The Toll of Extreme Travel on Lower Income Communities in the San Fernando Valley
Alejandra Rios Gutierrez

Client: Pacoima Beautiful

Next Stop: Transit Oriented Communities
Adria Stauber

Client: Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)

Lead Scholars

Study transportation at the #1 public university

Transportation-related degrees at UCLA

Master of Public Policy in Transportation

Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering in Transportation

Master of Urban and Regional Planning in Transportation

Master’s in Civil Engineering in Transportation

Ph.D. Urban Planning in Transportation

Ph.D. Civil Engineering in Transportation

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