Project ID:
LA2122Year Completed:
2023Funding Source:
Resilient and Innovative Mobility InitiativeProject Description
Part of a research initiative with the UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies, this project reports on changes and evolving operations in public transit during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a focus on transit ridership and transit service hours, this project first tracks where, how, and why transit supply and demand has changed. Since reaching an April 2020 nadir both nationally and in California, transit ridership has recovered slowly: as of July 2022, boardings were 61 percent and 56 percent of their respective national and California baselines. In California, service has been restored faster than riders have returned. This project next examines and, through an explainer video, showcases what established strategies for increasing transit ridership remain relevant in and post-pandemic.
John Gahbauer & Susan Shaheen (PI’s)
Research Team
Program Area(s):