Developing Planning-level Analysis Tools for Connected Automated Vehicle Technologies and Services

Project ID:


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Funding Source:

Statewide Transportation Research Program

Project Description

Transportation agencies use travel demand models (e.g., four-step models, activity-based models, dynamic traffic assignment models) to evaluate transportation improvement projects. However, existing travel demand models are unable to account for capacity changes of the network and mode shifts associated with connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies and services. The apparent lack of analysis tools prevents effective and accurate transportation planning processes, and consequently, the ability of agencies to deploy these technologies – planning is where deployment starts. In order to quantify/evaluate the impacts of CAV technologies and services on the transportation system for planning purposes, transportation agencies, e.g., Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), must be equipped with the necessary analysis tools to predict potential system performance and support decision-making.

Jiaqi Ma (PI)

Associate Professor

Research Team

Yueshuai He, Qinhua Jiang

Program Area(s):