California Statewide Transit Strategic Plan: Recommendations Report

Date: December 1, 2017

Author(s): Juan Matute, Jasneet Bains, Jordan Fraade, John Gahbauer, Ryland Lu, Miriam Pinski, Zachary Popp, Brian D. Taylor, Teo Wickland


As one of the six modal plans mandated by the California Transportation Plan 2040, the Statewide Transit Strategic Plan (STSP) should give Caltrans, CalSTA, and other public agencies the tools, best practices, and data and identify the authority that they need to offer seamless public mobility, better coordinate with each other, and meet the State’s public-interest shared mobility needs. In 2016, Caltrans engaged the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies to support in the creation of the STSP, and this report contains UCLA ITS’ recommendations to Caltrans and other major stakeholders regarding what the adopted Plan should address and include. Specifically, UCLA ITS recommends structuring the final STSP around four central goals for transit:

1.Effective, high-quality transit is integral to transforming California into a more thriving, just, and sustainable place.

2.A California transit passenger’s multimodal experience should be seamless, safe, and affordable.

3.Transit agencies must become more innovative and agile to vigorously pursue their missions.

4.Use strategic investments to make transit more sustainable and resilient.

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