Connected automated vehicle impacts in Southern California part-I: Travel behavior and demand analysis
Journal Article

Program Area(s):

Date: August 1, 2022

Author(s): Yueshuai He, Qinhua Jiang, Jiaqi Ma


Connected automated vehicle impacts in Southern California part-I: Travel behavior and demand analysis

About the Project

Transportation agencies use travel demand models (e.g., four-step models, activity-based models, dynamic traffic assignment models) to evaluate transportation improvement projects. However, existing travel demand models are unable to account for capacity changes of the network and mode shifts associated with connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies and services. This project aims to lay a foundational framework for the development of planning-level analysis capability that includes CAVs and engage in a small scale case study, toward a vision where practitioners have CAV-aware tools available. The research team will work with stakeholders in the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to identify current needs in modeling CAVs and new mobility services in demand models. The project will develop methodologies to enhance the existing SCAG activity-based demand model, and the areas of enhancements include, but not limited to, capacity adjustments and new scenarios of travel behavior/choice modeling.