The UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies annually requests research proposals based on particular research themes within two research programs. All proposals must be led by an eligible principal investigator at UCLA. Typically, requests are distributed and posted to this site in the early spring.
The exact amount of funding available varies from year to year and the amount awarded is determined by the quality and relevance of proposals received. Given past competition for these research funds, prospective applicants should carefully consider their expertise relative to the specific thematic areas and topics of each research program.
The two faculty research programs have general focus areas, resources, and themes:
University of California Institute of Transportation Studies Mobility Research Program (SB1)
The University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) is a network of faculty, research and administrative staff, and students dedicated to advancing the state of the art in transportation engineering, planning, and policy for the people of California. Established by the Legislature in 1947, ITS has branches at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, and UCLA. The ITS research program is funded by Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. The SB1 2018-2019 research program is organized around the following themes:
- Performance evaluation and optimization
- Transportation system performance measurement, evaluation, and optimization
- Transportation organization performance measurement, evaluation, and optimization
- Transportation program/project performance measurement and evaluation
- Shared, connected, and autonomous vehicles (SCaV)
- Environment, energy, health, and transportation
- Logistics and goods movement
- Transportation equity
- Integrated, low-carbon transportation and land use
- Safety for all road users
Proposals were due on May 2nd, 2018.
Current ITS-funded projects:
- Real-Time Precision LiDAR Transportation Density Mapping in the UCLA-Westwood Vicinity
- Moving Forward the Agenda for Advanced Mitigation as Part of Transportation Planning and Funding
- Estimating Health Benefits, Cost-Effectiveness and Distributional Equity from California’s Vehicle Emission Reduction Initiatives
- The Role of Accessibility in Delayed Retirement
- Investigation of methodologies to raise revenues from ZEV owners, balancing energy and transportation maintenance goals (SB 1 Sec. 48(a); with UC Davis)
- History and Perspectives of 85th Percentile Speed Limits
- The Past, Present, and Future of Transit Oriented Development in Los Angeles
Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center
The Pacific Southwest Region (PSR) University Transportation Center is the Regional University Transportation Center for Region 9. The coalition’s principal partners are California State University-Long Beach, Northern Arizona University, Pima Community College, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and the University of Southern California. The PSR research program is organized around four themes:
- Technology for improved mobility
- Improving mobility for disadvantaged populations
- Improving resilience and protecting the environment
- Managing mobility in high growth cities and regions
Responses to the 2018-19 RFP were due by March, 19 2018 at 11:59:59PM.
Current PSR-funded projects:
- BridgeR – a Regional Seismic Hazard Assessment Tool for Transportation Networks & its Application to Freight Loss Assessment
Detailed information on research themes, applicant eligibility, and the selection process for the UC ITS and PSR programs will be available on this page when the application windows are open.
Each year students at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs complete over 50 faculty-supervised planning and policy-related research projects for external clients. Students have completed past projects for clients ranging from Los Angeles Metro to the Los Angeles Mayor’s to private companies like WSP, Fehr & Peers and non-profit organizations like the Trust for Public Land and the Southern California Association of Non-profit housing.
Propose a project idea by July 20,2018 for the 2018-19 academic year.