Not Back to Normal: Mapping a Just Transportation Recovery from COVID-19, a remote learning series by the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Symposium
This year’s Not ‘Back to Normal’: Mapping a Just Transportation Recovery from COVID-19, a remote learning series presented by the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Symposium, considered the transportation system before, during, and after COVID-19.
COVID-19 has produced a profound shock to transportation systems already rife with inequities and inefficiencies. The intensity and speed with which COVID-19 spread through communities around the globe forced quick and often difficult adaptations by historically-rigid, slow-changing systems, casting numerous transportation challenges and inequities into sharp relief.
The 2020 UCLA Lake Arrowhead Symposium found that smart policy and planning choices made as part of COVID-19 response and recovery can lead to more just, equitable, and sustainable transportation systems. The series highlighted the work of transportation practitioners and advocates working on a just post-COVID transition. What are the economic, social, and racial dimensions of transportation in the pandemic, and what is being done to pursue a just and equitable transportation recovery? Are there new political opportunities for environmental justice and climate action in transportation? Finally, COVID-19 has required adapting formal processes for public engagement; what can we learn from this period to form new models for public engagement?
This is a multi-day event with a total of nine sessions over the course of three weeks.
More information, along with video recordings can be found here.