Latest Past Events

When Forecasting Fails

UCLA hosted the 10th annual ‘Martin Wachs Distinguished Lecture”, where invitee lecturer, Joe Schofer, Faculty at Northwestern University, provided a wide-ranging view about forecasting – a prominent feature of transportation planning. He explains that learning to accept the inherent limitations of the forecasting process is a necessary first step in helping planners improve their predictions of cost, utilization, performance and impact, and that systematic learning from experience is vital when predicting the outcome of major infrastructure projects

Fall 2016 Transportation Speaker Series: Shared Mobility

The Fall 2016 Transportation Speaker Series focuses on shared mobility. Topics include: The 2nd Shared Mobility Revolution — From Taxis, to TNCs, and Beyond: What’s the Public Sector Role?; Understanding the past, present, and future of the taxi industry in Los Angeles; Policy Issues in Shared Mobility: Labor; Policy Issues in Shared Mobility: Safety and Insurance; Policy Issues in Shared Mobility: Equity and Social Inclusion; A Green Path to Shared Mobility; The Rise of Shared Mobility: Will it Incrementally Change or Transform Urban Travel in the Years Ahead?; The Public Policy and Transportation Planning Issues Raised by Increasing Vehicle Automation in the Years Ahead.

A Transportation Agenda for the Global Era

The 9th annual Martin Wachs Distinguished Lecture, hosted at Berkeley, featured Catherine Ross, Professor of City and Regional Planning at Georgia Tech, who spoke about the challenges in maintaining and growing economic well-being in an era of new transportation modes. With increased transportation capacity and greater mobility comes congestion, air pollution, and urban sprawl as well as other issues. This current dilemma and hypermobility demands a transport agenda for this global era to be set.

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